Celene, Sharleen and ChrisDoug, Celene, Sharleen, Chris and JImConversation at the ElksGary and LindaConversation at the ElksLin, Karen, Tom and SharleenDoug Dutcher and Mike IngebritsonDoug, Jim and JimConversationTana, Linda, Cindy and AnnPeteRobert and JerryDiane, Ann, Dave, Trish Linda
Nick at CalkinsGwen from the Ellsworth FoundationLinda PierceRobertRobert
Ann On The Class BenchAnn, Jim, Gary, Carol, DougThe Class BenchClass Sign for the ArboretumDave, Doug and GaryGary and DaveLinda, Cindy Trish and Ann
The Country Club
Margo Good-Lois Gehl-Diane ParsonsListening to RobertGary-Doug-JimValarie Dutcher – Trish Belcher – Diane ParsonsClassmates Who Married ClassmatesWomen of the ClassGetting the Lay of the Land
Front Row: Trish Belcher, Cindy Lynn, Linda Baker, Robert Hill
Second Row: Jim Newton, Mary Miller, Tom Jones, Carol Gudnason, Karen Dole, Mary Anderson, Doug Dutcher, Celene Anderson, Linda Mercer, Diane Parsons, Ann Sullivan, Linda Pierce, Lois Gehl, Glen Bahr, Chris White
Third Row: Gary Cronk, Meredith Miller, Jim Harper, Colleen Lamoreux, Barb Lyon, Larry Willms, Dave Parsons, Gary Mills, Chuck Good, Randy Off, Robert Knott, Jerry Weismann